The Firefly Clan & Toshiyuki Yasuda: Aeroplane - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]
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1. Aeroplane
The Firefly Clan (Composition, Lyrics, Vocals, Guitar)
Toshiyuki Yasuda (Piano, Mixing, Mastering, Artwork)
The Firefly Clan recorded at somos
Toshiyuki Yasuda recorded at The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)
Mountain: 明神岳
グナワ文化とブルースに精通し独自の融合を行うThe Firefly Clan(津嶋利仁)と、世界的コンピ「Red Hot + Rio 2」への参加(Atom™ + Toshiyuki Yasuda Feat. Fernanda Takai + Moreno Veloso)などをキャリアハイライトの一つとしながら音楽と社会の新しい関わりを模索し続ける安田寿之は、信頼し合う仲間として共演を行ってきた。今作は、The Firefly Clanが沖縄の美しい宿somosで行ったギターと歌の録音をベースに、安田寿之がフェルトピアノをダビングし仕上げる連作の第四弾。様々な力を持つ言葉を乗せる手紙を紙飛行機として描く歌詞を歌っている。
「言葉はあらゆるものに力を与える。便りとはただの紙でもあり、内容次第では人を地獄に突き落としたり天国へ舞い上げたり。活字を乗せた紙は言語の力を借りては人の心をも左右できるが、紙の役割を変えればそれはただの子供の玩具。」(The Firefly Clan)
Well versed in Gnawa music and blues, The Firefly Clan (a.k.a Toshihito Tsushima) has been pursuing a unique style of fusion music. Toshiyuki Yasuda, with his participation in the global compilation "Red Hot + Rio 2" (Atom™ + Toshiyuki Yasuda Feat. Fernanda Takai + Moreno Veloso) as one of the highlights of his career, continues to explore new relationships between music and society. The Firefly Clan and Toshiyuki Yasuda have been collaborating and occasionally performing together as trusted partners in music. The single is the fourth in a series of works in which Toshiyuki Yasuda dubs felt piano based on guitar and vocal recordings made by The Firefly Clan at the beautiful inn in Okinawa "somos". The lyrics that are sung here depict such powerful letters being treated as mere paper aeroplanes.
"Words give power to many things. A letter is a mere piece of paper but the words in it can send one right down to hell or even make one’s heart soar the heights of heaven. A paper adorned with letters can move hearts but once reduced to the piece of paper that it is and folded into an aero plane, it can only be a children’s toy." (The Firefly Clan)