Tubbe: Lied Anstatt (Toshiyuki Yasuda Remix)
LIED ANSTATT (Toshiyuki Yasuda remix)
Remixed by Toshiyuki Yasuda
Photo of Toshiyuki Yasuda by Reylia Slaby (from Toshiyuki Yasuda's solo album "Nameless God's Blue”)
Could there be anything healthier and better than the combination of winedrinking, playing old C64 games and a Toshiyuki Yasuda remix of TUBBE’s „Lied Anstatt"? We don’t think so. Enjoy the madness of failing in gaming, while listening to some nice music. Paint your face blue, think about buying a guinea pig and consider writing a book. Why? Because you can. TUBBE will be there for you. You can do it!
Toshiyuki Yasuda has produced conceptual albums such as “Brazilian music sung by a fictitious robot” or “all monophonic compilation album” or “electronic covers of world’s children’s songs” mainly using electronic instruments. Apart from these elaborated concepts, his latest album "Nameless God's Blue", released in February 2015 comprises the subjectivity, that is consists of compositions of singer-songwriter feel and arrangements of easy-listening / jazz style. Nobody knows his next step.