MASTERING, Distribution to iTunes Store by MEGADOLLY
Hybrid Leisureland: The Beginning of the End, the End of the Beginning
[Sonar library records]
1. Example
2. If
3. More
4. Herald
5. Or
6. Hypothesis
7. In Case
8. Unknown
9. Poise
10. Future
11. Now
Hybrid Leisureland:
フランスやアメリカなど海外での評価も高い小泉豪記によるソロユニット。2006年フランスのUltimae Recordsから「Scroll Slide」をリリース、ヨーロッパ・日本でデビュー。2012年には「Variable」を発売。外資系ファッションブランドのパーティーや、野外夏フェスティバルなどで幅広くライブを行う。知的で流麗なフレーズと共にノイズ、空気音までも取り入れて独自の世界観を表現。ミクロの世界を散歩してるような音楽を表現する。
The Beginning of the End, the End of the Beginning:
Hybrid Leisureland 2014年連続3作デジタルリリース最終章。今年3連作(1.「Keeping Track of the Human Race」、2.「Days Less Ordinary」)の締め括りとして、クリスマスイブに発売されるハイブリッド・レジャーランド新作。前作までとは異なる、新しい展開を見せる。「悩みや囚われから解放され、自由になった」という作品群は、最小のフレーズとトラックで構成され本質を追究し凝縮したアンビエント・ミュージックになっている。
Hybrid Leisureland:
Hybrid Leisureland, Hidetoshi Koizumi debuted in 2010 with his first album "scroll slide" released from a French label Ultimae records, followed by his second album "Variable" in 2012. In 2014, he digitally released a new work for the first time in two years. Though his music is categorized as ambient, the album "Keeping the track of human race" presents with one-of-a-kind soundscape that goes beyond mere ambient. In a gentle sound he expresses, one can also feel a sense of loneliness, happiness and a hope, along with his intention to defy any labels put on his music. His new work may overturn your idea on what is ambient or music itself.
The Beginning of the End, the End of the Beginning:
Hybrid Leisureland’s final album of a series of 3 digital releases in 2014. To conclude his three-album project in 2014 (1. "Keeping Track of the Human Race", 2. "Days Less Ordinary"), Hybrid Leisureland releases "The Beginning of the End, the End of the Beginning" digitally on Dec. 24th. It is not too much to say that the latest work represents a completely new soundscape created by the artist. The ambient artist, also known as Hidetoshi Koizumi, says he got freed from anxieties and thoughts that used to haunt him in the process of creation. The latest work comprises of the minimum number of phrases and tracks to manifest the real essence of his music.