Distribution to iTunes Store by MEGADOLLY
Jai Machine: Let's Machine!
[shrine.jp SRDL049]
1. Daxophonic
2. Dorothea's Daydreaming
3. Only a Cellophane World
4. Never Listen Now
5. Hapism
6. Jai-Ant Steps
7. Circle in the Water
Digital Booklet - Let's Machine! / Shohei Tsuda
Jai Machine
bass, cello, Musical saw, HAPI drum etc. : Jai
guitar, melodion, HAPI drum etc. : Yukki
voice & toys : Nerve
paint : Majio
produce : Jai Machine
mixdown, edit : Jai & Nerve
mastering : Ken'ichi Itoi
artwork : Shohei Tsuda
special thanks : Majio

Jai Machine:
3人による即興演奏ユニット。2011年、芸術家Majioのライヴ・ペインティングとのコラボレーションという形で3人で演奏したのがJai Machineとしての活動を始めるきっかけとなる。そのライヴ演奏の場では、常に予測できない化学反応が起こる。生命体のように変化する真の意味でユニークな音楽性は、水面に、静かに、しかし確かに広がる波紋のように評判を呼んでいる。
Jai Machine is an improvisational group consisting of Jai, Yukki and Nerve. Jai plays cello, acoustic bass, hapi drum and many handmade electrical instruments, also MAX (audio and visual processing software) for his variegated musical performances. Yukki, also featured as a band member of Coupie, plays guitar, hapi drum, melodion, taisho-goto, didgeridoo and more. He has received broad acclaim as a solo guitarist. Nerve performs vocals in Jai Machine although he is better known as composer and track-maker of the dub-influenced electronica group, antennasia. They played together for the first time for Majio's live painting performance in 2011,which provided an opportunity to form the group Jai Machine. Their live performances are always filled with unpredictable alchemical results. Jai Machine is a truly unique entity with an influence that spreads like ripples, inevitably reverberating outward on still water.
Let's Machine!:
The album "Let's Machine!" is a set of improvised musical tales, woven by Jai, Yukki and Nerve. Consider this a live painting performance. Imagine the warm soothing afterglow you feel after bathing in a hot spring echoing through the body, the mood of a beautiful dusk. These instantaneous compositions can never be played in the same way again. This album includes seven "records", each composed spontaneously by Jai, Yukki and Nerve collaboratively. Though these were recorded over a variety of sessions, perhaps you can feel a consistent thread, a pale green breeze with specks of light, a sense of hot water infusing the very music throughout the album. Enjoy the musings of these three wandering musical nomads.
「遊び心を日常に」。京都の電子音楽家、糸魚健一(サイセクス他)が主宰する電子音響実験音楽レーベル。1997年にCD-Rレーベルとして発足。アナログレコード、CDを不定期にリリースする。2011-13年には月刊でCDをリリースし、京都の新鋭アーティストの窓口となった。2014年、iTunes Storeを使った新シリーズを始動させ日本の新しい実験音楽の一端を世界に向けて紹介して行く。フィジカルでは2枚組のCDを制作中。
An experimental/electronic music label founded by Ken'ichi Itoi (PsysEx), an electronic musician resident in Kyoto. From 1997 a great number of analog records and CDs have been released irregularly. In 2011-2013 the label released CDs monthly produced by up‐and‐coming musicians to be a liaison officer in an electronic music scene in Kyoto. In 2014 a new series which introduces new Japanese ambitious music exclusively released on iTunes Store worldwide begins.