Distribution to iTunes Store by MEGADOLLY
shotahirama: Cluster
[shrine.jp SRDL046]
1. Sirius
2. Pleiades
3. Saturn
4. Regulus
5. Castor
6. Neptune
produce: shotahirama
mastering: Ken'ichi Itoi
artwork: Shohei Tsuda

ニューヨーク出身の音楽家、shotahirama(平間翔太)。中原昌也、evala、Ametsubといった音楽家に注目され、VICEをはじめ国内外の様々な雑誌・メディアにて高い評価を得る。これまでに3枚のCDアルバムと2枚のCDシングル、1枚のデジタルアルバムを発表。世界的音楽家であるKangding Ray、Mark Fell、AtomTM、Ikue Mori等のジャパンツアーに出演。2014年に発売されたアルバム『post punk』では「現代におけるポストパンクの在り方」「最高傑作」と評され、今最も注目すべき「新鋭音響家」と呼ばれている。
shotahirama is a Tokyo and New York-based electronic musician working with sine waves, white noise, and other primitive signals as source material for his compositions. In 2010 shotahirama founded SIGNAL DADA label. He released three full length CD albums and two EPs, received universal acclaim from both mainstream and independent publications, including VICE Magazine, Sound&Recording Magazine, Art World Magazine and more. Also he toured around the world, featuring dates in England, Hong Kong and Japan staging for kangding ray (Raster-Noton), Mark Fell (SND), AtomTM, Ikue Mori, YOSHIMI (BOREDOMS) and more.
“Quantum soundscape gives an illusion of time axis” This album is a homage to multi-instrumental and electronics duo Cluster formed by Dieter Moebius and Hans-Joachim Rodelius. Also this album is dedicated to the galaxy cluster which you can see it from each song title. Proceeded 6 steps by 6 tracks, sine waves and other primitive signals changes into a magnific musical scales.
京都の電子音楽家、糸魚健一(サイセクス他)氏が主宰する電子音響実験音楽レーベル。'97年発足以降アナログレコード、CDを不定期にリリースしていたが、'11~13年にかけて月刊でリリースし京都の新鋭アーティストの窓口となった。'14年iTunes Storeを使った新シリーズを始動させ、日本の新しい実験音楽の一端を世界に向けて紹介して行く。フィジカルでは2枚組のCDを制作中。
An experimental/electronic music label founded by Ken'ichi Itoi (PsysEx), an electronic musician resident in Kyoto. From 1997 a great number of analog records and CDs have been released irregularly. In 2011-2013 the label released CDs monthly produced by up‐and‐coming musicians to be a liaison officer in an electronic music scene in Kyoto. In 2014 a new series which introduces new Japanese ambitious music exclusively released on iTunes Store worldwide begins.