MASTERING, Distribution to iTunes Store by MEGADOLLY
Pecombo: Pecombo sings French Classics(ペコンボ、フランスのスタンダード・ポップを歌う)
[Sol Bossa Records]
01. My Way - Comme d'Habitude(マイウェイ〜いつものように)
02. L'Eau a La Bouche(唇によだれ)
03. Sous Le Ciel De Paris(パリの空の下)
04. Chanson Des Jumelles(双子姉妹の歌)
05. La Vie En Rose(バラ色の人生〜ラヴィアンローズ)
日本音楽史上伝説の女性ヴォーカル・グループ「シンガーズ・スリー」らによるテレビ/CMシーンを彩ったスキャットを中心とする軽音楽をルーツに、ブラジル音楽史上最高の女性ヴォーカル・グループ「Quarteto Em Cy」のエヴァーグリーンなハーモニーの影響を受け、更には世界や日本の様々な音楽をスパイスに、「21世紀東京発のスキャット・ヴォーカル・サウンドで世界や日本とつながる」というコンセプトで2002年に活動を開始。
過去4枚のアルバムを発表(2008年には安田寿之とのコラボレーションアルバム「AUTUMN SESSION...」をリリース)、須永辰緒〜Soil & 'Pimp' Sessions〜Nortec Collective〜Quarteto Em Cyら音に拘る国内外の一流音楽家たちに評価され、その楽曲がTV/ラジオなどメディアで多数起用、フランスや韓国でもその音源が発売される。また、NHK番組出演、シンガポールライブツアー、サウンドロゴ制作(POKKA TV CM、TBSラジオ、etc...)など国内外を問わずハッピーでおしゃれな活動を繰り広げる。
Pecombo sings French Classics(ペコンボ、フランスのスタンダードポップスを歌う):
A scat chorus group from Tokyo. Their music has the roots in light-pop music using SCAT that has been colored the TV / CM scene by female vocal group of Japanese music history legend "Singers Three" etc.... They are also influenced by the 'Evergreen' harmony of "Quarteto Em Cy", female vocal group of the best Brazilian music history. Pecombo's sunny and foppish harmony makes you feel so happy. And they aim to connect to Japan and the world with their scat vocal sound spiced up the variety music of Japan and the world of the 21st century from Tokyo .
Being inspired by them and also spicing up their sound with the musical essences of all over the world, Pecombo has started their activities from 2002 and their main theme has always been "to be in harmony with the people in the world by the sound of our scat vocal from Tokyo in 21st century".
Pecombo has published four albums in the past (including "AUTUMN SESSION...", a collaboration album with Toshiyuki Yasuda in 2008.). They are evaluated by the domestic and foreign top musicians, Tatsuo Sunaga~Soil & 'Pimp' Sessions~Nortec Collective~Quarteto Em Cy and more... Their works are also released in South Korea and France. And we can hear the Pecombo sound in many media such as TV / Radio almost everyday.
NHK TV program appearance, Singapore live tour, Sound logo production (POKKA TV CM / TBS radio etc...)
Pecombo sings French Classics:
Édith Piaf~Serge Gainsbourg~Claude François~Michel Legrand...Legendary French singers and composers created the gems of masterpieces. Pecombo re-arranged the famous tunes deliciously by their original special 'recipe'. Ingredients are colorful voices of Peco, Rie and Hachi with 'Beautiful Japanese', 'Chic French' and 'Happy Scat'. Spices are the essence of 'French-pop', 'Caribbean', 'Brazilian', 'Afro', 'Jazz', 'Rock' and 'Club music' etc...
Pecombo has mixed them up colorful and chic by their Tokyoite sence of humor. Bon Apetit!