
Firo: Velvet Tiny Globe (Bonus Track Version)

Distribution to iTunes Store by MEGADOLLY

Firo: Velvet Tiny Globe (Bonus Track Version)
[ryoondo-tea DES027]

01. Touch
02. Brown Orchid
03. Sea Amber
04. Beyond the Waterfall
05. Write On Papyrus
06. Tell Me What You See
07. Marmalade Groove
08. Fruits of Thought

Bonus Tracks (iTunes Store exclusive):
09. Dropiee
10. Such a Small Thing

音楽家・塚越寛之によるソロユニット。PsysExの糸魚健一にその才能を見いだされ、2003年に1st「paddle」をリリース。収録曲「SwNH」はTBSテレビ「THE世界遺産」BGMにも採用されるなど各方面から評価される。2005年に2nd『Light court』、2006年に3rd「Velvet tiny globe」をリリース。2008年からは「鳴響」「渋響」をはじめとする一連の各地温泉郷でのプロジェクトに参加し、電子音楽と地域とのさまざまなセッションを繰り広げ、その新たな可能性は2010年発売の最新作「Tender grain」に結実。常に緻密で繊細な音世界を展開するアーティストである一方、テレビ番組のBGMなどの放送用音楽制作も数多く手掛ける職人的作家でもある。

Velvet Tiny Globe (Bonus Track Version):
驚異的な緻密さとクオリティで世界各地の電子音楽愛好家から高い評価を受けた「Light court」から約1年半、"green tea electronica master" Firo待望の3rdアルバム。透き通る空間性と乾いた叙情性はそのままに、本作はより"楽曲"としての完成度と気品に満ちたエレガントな音世界を追求。ギターサウンドや本人のボーカルサンプルを要所に配し、よりリッチでナチュラルな高品位電子音楽ワールドを展開。エレクトロニカを通過して、ジャズ、ロック、ソウルの手触りも感じさせ聴く者を飽きさせない。
CD未収録の「Dropiee」「Such a Small Thing」を追加した、iTunes Store限定のボーナストラックヴァージョン。

A solo project by Hiroyuki Tsukakoshi.
By sampling sounds of his environment, combining it with live musical instruments and elements that are purely created on the laptop, Hiroyuki Tsukakoshi creates this precise and elevating music. Through the high influence of other computer-generated music styles of today, he feels that his body and his computer act as a filter that the gathered impressions pass through. His arranging, editing and concentrating of often conflicting and accidental noises form a harmony that we can then find familiar.
Hiroyuki Tsukakoshi is part of a collective of leading Japanese Ambient music artists featured on the Water Green compilation on the Ryoondo-tea label. His live performance at the party at the famous ancient Honen-in temple in Kyoto in August 2003 was unforgettable.
He appears on PROGRESSIVE FOrM's "FORMA"- features Masakatsu Takagi and Takamasa Aoki - and is part of Patchware on demand, with Ryoichi Kurokawa and Ken'ichi Itoi of PsysEx, who has been called the most important person of the Kyoto Electronica scene (Oct 2003, Remix magazine, Japan). He has been called the most important person of the Japanese Electronica scene.

Velvet Tiny Globe (Bonus Track Version):
It's been a year from "Light Court", Firo's 3rd album, elegant, soft touched, natural and rich. Firo says ---- "My music is like a tiny globe". He had created precise and beautiful tiny globes like sophisticated hard steel, and his next, new "globes" are more soft touched, ---- like a Velvet.
Including guitars and vocal samples of himself, Firo performs his rich and hi-fi sound in this wonderful new album. Not only electronica, this new album "Velvet tiny globe" has also rich flavors of Jazz, rock, and even soul music.
Track 9 and 10 are not on CD, exclusive on this iTunes Store release.