


TBS系 火曜ドラマ「西園寺さんは家事をしない」オリジナル・サウンドトラック
[Anchor Records UZCL-2292]

Amazon.co.jp, Tower Records, HMV ...

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

9. やる気のマリアッチ
10. ウクレレと口笛によるポンコツの日常
11. やばいアクシデント!
12. マジメにやばいアクシデント!
13. 思い耽る(ギター)
14. In Such a Mood
15. 色々うまくいかない(ピアノ)
16. 浮き雲のような心
17. トレモロ・エレピによる悩みのワルツ

Composition, Arranged, Acoustic Piano, All Other Instruments, Programmed, Recorded and Mixed by 安田寿之
Trumpet (9) by 増永フミエ
Guitar (13) by 助川太郎

Management by 森中崇之, 白石成識, 山谷遙菜(株式会社Styrism)


安田寿之, uhitokiyosue: Soundscapes for Waterside - EP

安田寿之, uhitokiyosue: Soundscapes for Waterside - EP

App Icon Apple Music

1. Soundscape for Waterside 1 (Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, Italy / AM6:14)
2. Soundscape for Waterside 2 (Coast of Longyearbyen, Norway / AM11:45)
3. Soundscape for Waterside 3 (Beach at Kailua, United States / PM0:04)
4. Soundscape for Waterside 4 (Ikema Bridge, Japan / PM1:55)
5. Soundscape for Waterside 5 (Agios Stefanos Beach, Greece / PM6:13)

Toshiyuki Yasuda: Produced, Programmed, Piano, Guitar and Synth
uhitokiyosue: Programmed

壁にかけるだけで世界とつながる窓、Atmoph Window。その窓から見える風景のジャンルに合わせて、心地の良い音楽が流れ続ける機能「サウンドスケープ」を、音楽家の安田寿之がプロデュースしています。本アルバムは、そのサウンドスケープの魅力を体験できるアルバムです。

Just by hanging on the wall, Atmoph Window becomes a window connecting you with the world. Its 'Soundscape' feature continuously plays soothing music tailored to the genre of the landscape you see, which was made possible under the production of musician Toshiyuki Yasuda. This album lets you experience the allure of the Soundscape.
The sounds in Soundscape layer up to five different layers over natural landscape sounds, creating a continuously evolving mix of music. It preserves the charm of the landscapes while offering a relaxing rhythm and tempo that doesn't interrupt your thoughts, providing an 'auditory landscape' for your enjoyment.


Otonoengawa: 音の縁側

Consultancy and distribution to Apple Music/iTunes Store by The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)

Otonoengawa: 音の縁側
[ryoondo-tea DES069]

App Icon Apple Music

1. Opening ~ Meirin
2. Jingle "Otonoengawa"
3. Elementary Remembrance
4. L'echo de 1904
5. Les souvenirs sonores
6. Another Door Opens
7. Roast and Watermark
9. Folktronic Blend
10. Sound Will Tell
11. Fountain and Sunset
12. Oto no engawa)

京都に点在する「モダン建築」と喫茶の空間の「響き」をテーマにα-station FM KYOTOにて放送されたアンビエントプログラム『音の縁側』のサウンドトラック。

Soundtrack of the ambient program "Oto no Engawa" broadcast on α-station FM KYOTO, with the theme of "modern architecture" and the "resonance" of cafe spaces scattered throughout Kyoto.
Ambient music by Masahiko Takeda, Yukihiko Yotsukura, and KenIchiro Hoshi that includes program themes, jingles, and unused sound sources based on the different sounds of buildings such as the former Meirin Elementary School, the Kyoto Art Center, the former main building of the Kyoto Prefectural Office, and the Kyoto Cultural Museum. Music for the program "Oto no Engawa".




Composing and sound designing for Takeshi Yoro and Kenji Kohiyama's exhibition "Mushi ten".




放送:2024年7月9日〜 毎週火曜日22時

Composed for a TV drama series "西園寺さんは家事をしない" on TOKYO BROADCASTING SYSTEM TELEVISION, INC.

TBS系 火曜ドラマ「西園寺さんは家事をしない」オリジナル・サウンドトラック


PONY CANYON USA Media Conference

PONY CANYON USA メディアカンファレンスでの映像へ楽曲提供。

Composing for a video at PONY CANYON USA Media Conference.


Soundscape "Snow/Winter" and "Fog/Rain" on Atmoph

(Trollstigen, Norway)

プロデュースする「Atmoph Window」の「サウンドスケープ」機能に、風景カテゴリー「Snow/Winter」「Fog/Rain」が追加されました。(ver. 4.2.1

Produced the new "Snow/Winter" and "Fog/Rain" Soundscape on Atmoph Window (ver. 4.2.1), following "Sea", "Woods", "Fall", "Night", "Flower", "Evening" and "Morning". Users can change layers of music in 5 levels as before.


Soundscape "Morning" on Atmoph Window 2
Soundscape "Night" , "Flower" and "Evening" on Atmoph Window 2
talk about Atmoph soundscape
Soundscape "Woods" and "Fall" on Atmoph Window 2
Soundscape "Sea" on Atmoph Window 2


Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Sawori Namekawa): Oval Merry-Go-Round

Toshiyuki Yasuda (feat. Sawori Namekawa): Oval Merry-Go-Round - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Oval Merry-Go-Round

Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Synth, Chorus, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Sawori Namekawa (Lyrics, Vocals)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC


先行リリース最後の5曲目「Oval Merry-Go-Round」は、ジャズやブラジル音楽を独自の唱法で歌う行川さをりを作詞家、歌手として迎えたワルツ・バラード。無垢な声が、特有かつ普遍的なメロディを歌います。

5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.

The 5th and final pre-release "Oval Merry-Go-Round," is a waltz ballad featuring Sawori Namekawa, who sings jazz and Brazilian music with her unique voices, as the lyricist and singer. Innocent vocals sing a distinctive and universal melody.


tobiuo studio: あたらしい日


tobiuo studio (青木慶則) feat. AATA: あたらしい日

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube Music, Amazon

シンガーソングライターの青木慶則が、このたび新プロジェクト「tobiuo studio」をスタートさせた。スタジオワークを中心に据え、自由自在な形態で作品を発表していく。1st Single「あたらしい日」は、スイートボイスが魅力のソウル系シンガーソングライター・AATAをフィーチャーした、清々しく爽快なエレクトロ・チューン。


Toshiyuki Yasuda: Bate Papo

Toshiyuki Yasuda : Bate Papo - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]

App Icon Apple Music
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music ...

1. Bate Papo

Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Synth, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Noriko Yamamoto (Guitar)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC


リリース4曲目「Bate Papo」は、4人の女性歌手による歌曲に混じり、安田寿之独特の道化と瀟洒でバランスを取るインストのジャズ・サンバ。安田のエレクトリック・ピアノ、飯田雅春によるコントラバス、山本のりこによるギターは、機知に富んだ会話をしているかのよう。

5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.

The 4th release "Bate Papo," is an instrumental jazz samba that balances Toshiyuki Yasuda's unique clowning and grace with songs by 4 female singers. Yasuda's electric piano, Masaharu Iida's double bass and Noriko Yamamoto's guitar sound as if they were having a witty conversation.