Toshiyuki Yasuda : Bate Papo - Single
[The Institute of Music and Environment (TIME)]
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1. Bate Papo
Toshiyuki Yasuda (Composed, Piano, Synth, Mix, Mastering, Art Direction)
Masaharu Iida (Double Bass)
Noriko Yamamoto (Guitar)
Yukie Murakami (Photos, Designed)
Kati (Model)
© The Institute of Music and Environment LLC
リリース4曲目「Bate Papo」は、4人の女性歌手による歌曲に混じり、安田寿之独特の道化と瀟洒でバランスを取るインストのジャズ・サンバ。安田のエレクトリック・ピアノ、飯田雅春によるコントラバス、山本のりこによるギターは、機知に富んだ会話をしているかのよう。
5 advance singles from Toshiyuki Yasuda's 7th album will be released in sequence from March 2024. This is an album with a very simple instrumentation, representing the peak of Toshiyuki Yasuda's music, which has transitioned from conceptual to non-conceptual and from electronic to acoustic. The album is jazz-like authenticity, which have beautiful compositions like a standard, performed only with just felt piano, double bass, singing, and slight synths. All 4 featured singers are Japanese female artists, and the lyrics are convincingly written in their native language and aim to convey the power of women.
The 4th release "Bate Papo," is an instrumental jazz samba that balances Toshiyuki Yasuda's unique clowning and grace with songs by 4 female singers. Yasuda's electric piano, Masaharu Iida's double bass and Noriko Yamamoto's guitar sound as if they were having a witty conversation.