The Firefly Clan: Sun and Rain
01. storm
02. Yhi
03. sunnyland (mine has just left)
04. raindoctor (landscape)
05. cedar
06. seeds of time
07. l.m.a
08. everytime (feat. Eiichi Sawado)
09. Shango
10. O mi
11. termination (ekkyo)
The Firefly Clan: Nothing, Everything
01. sistermoon 2010
02. reviver
03. sahara spiral
04. the flight
05. you're welcome
06. sky express
07. halos in the sky
08. may I?
09. Durga's kitchen
10. submissive
11. namas Amitabha
12. sweetness comes
Vocal, Guitar, Beat and all the instruments: The Firefly Clan (Toshihito Tsushima)
Keyboards on Sun and Rain 08: Eiichi Sawado
Compiled and Mastered: Toshiyuki Yasuda
Illustration: Yoichi Shimoda

the firefly clan、デビューアルバムにしてベストアルバム2枚組。
the firefly clan:
ツシマ トシヒトによる音楽プロジェクト。ブルースからインスパイアされたヴォーカルと独創的なギター、エスニックな打楽器、ミニマルなドラムマシン、即興から生まれた歌詞を融合したサウンド。音源はアナログ録音されており、曲のボーダーレス性を追求し続ける音楽スタイル。
2006年発売、安田寿之プロデュースコンピレーション「-MONOPHONIC-ENSEMBLE-」収録の「raindoctor」は大きな話題を呼び、同年のSonarsound Tokyoでもソロライブを行った。
ツシマ トシヒト:
GIT卒業後は the firefly clan(ファイヤフライクラン)という名義でブルース的なギター、エスニックな打楽器、ミニマルなドラムマシン、アナログ録音などを基調とした独自の音楽スタイルを追求し始める。
帰国後の1997年以降は、インド、バングラデシュ、バリ島など世界各地を旅する中モロッコで出会ったグナワ音楽に深く傾倒し、その文化をはじめマラケシュの著名な師匠であるHassan Zoughariから譲り受けたギンブリ(ベース三味線とでもいうべき楽器)の虜になる。
Sun and Rain、Nothing, Everything:
the firefly clan、1996~2010年の作品を、MEGADOLLYレーベル代表で音楽家の安田寿之が選曲/マスタリングしまとめた2枚のアルバム。
「Sun and Rain」はメロディアスなヴォーカル曲、「Nothing, Everything」はよりディープで実験性もある「濃い」インスト曲、を中心にそれぞれコンパイル。
"the firefly clan", a debut, and a double-album collection of their best tracks!
Creative guitar playing, blues-inspired vocals, and minimal world-beat percussions. A collection of "the firefly clan" recordings that span over a decade from 1996 to 2010.
the firefly clan:
Toshihito Tsushima's musical project fusing blues-inspired vocals, creative guitar, world-beat percussions, minimum electronic beats, and abstract lyrics. The songs often crossover the boundaries of musical styles and in addition to that, all tracks were recorded on analog recording equipment.
In 2006, the song "raindoctor" received a lot of attention through a compilation album produced by Toshiyuki Yasuda titled "-MONOPHONIC-ENSEMBLE-" and "the firefly clan" successfully performed in the event Sonarsound Tokyo of that same year.
Toshihito "Toshi" Tsushima:
Born in 1973, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and vocalist, Toshihito Tsushima had started guitar when he was 9 and grew up in Romania, Yokohama, New York, Hungary, England, and Tokyo. From 1994, Toshi attended GIT, Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California.
After graduating Musicians Institute, Toshi started pursuing a style of music fusing blues-inspired guitar, world-beat percussions, minimalist electronic beats and analog recording equipment under the name "the firefly clan".
Returning to Japan in 1997, he traveled to India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and in Morrocco, he met up with the Gnawa musicians and was heavily influenced by their music and culture. This was when he acquired the Guimbri from the renowned Hassan Zoughari, deeply immersing himself in Gnawa music.
From 2001, he started to hold his own workshops, traveled some more to Mozambique, Korea and then moved to Okinawa in 2005. In addition to teaching, he occasionally plays events on and off base in Okinawa.
Sun and Rain, Nothing, Everything:
A double-album collection of "the firefly clan" recordings that span over a decade from 1996 to 2010 compiled and mastered by Toshiyuki Yasuda, representative of Megadolly Label and also a musician himself.
"Sun and Rain" features melodious vocal songs, "Nothing, Everything" focuses on the more experimental and deeper instrumental tracks.
A soundtrack collection for all individuals who have come to the realisation that their home is neither here nor there but "where the music is".

Won double No.1s on iTunes Store Japan - Blues Genre