TOSHIYUKI YASUDA: STRANGERS (Soundtracks for Digi+Kishin Vol. 2)
Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, Ototoy (hi-res)
in Korea
01. Anber
02. Final Door to the Sea
03. Copy Me and Paste You
04. Drunk Jukebox
05. Pink House
06. Uran
07. Visc
08. Blind Bound
09. Desgouster
10. Taste Bud
11. Colors in Light
12. Into the Steam
13. McKinley
produced, composed, arranged, played, mixed, mastered:
character (Mr. Link) created:
volume realization:
Conny Fornbäck
special thanks:
このアルバムは、篠山紀信氏のDigi+Kishin名義での写真映像作品へ2006年頃から提供した音楽作品から、2009年2月に発売した「GIRLS (Soundtracks for Digi+Kishin Vol. 1)」とは異なる方向の"Weird"なリズム曲を中心に再編した作品集である。
(2010年3月 安田寿之)
Kitschy and bizarre rhythmic soundtracks for Kishin Shinoyama’s photo movies. The theme is "ordinary strangeness" that photographical models, a celebrated photographer, a humble musician and all of you possess commonly.
This album consists of reconstructions of my compositions (mainly weird rhythmic tunes) since 2006 for Digi+Kishin (an alias of Kishin Shinoyama)'s photo movies, which has a different direction from "GIRLS (Soundtracks for Digi+Kishin Vol. 1)" released on February 2009.
I realize that there are roughly two types in Digi+Kishin's pieces. Both are full of powers that expose girls' insides. But on one type girls' dark faces are captured indoors closely and lead into their two faces directly, while on the other type their whole energetic dancing bodies beaming with joys at very fine outdoors are captured. In a complicated therefore real meaning, I think the latter expresses their ironies more strongly than the former.
I have been gazing at girls' sprinkling smiles and nudes under the perfectly bright sunshine with a prickle, like through the eyes of Meursault (Camus "L'Étranger"). The viewpoint never makes their strangeness a minority nor despises them from a secure place. On the contrary my own similar oddity is attached as theirs are everyone-has ordinary and individual. Of course the whole pieces of work are led by Mr. Shinoyama's pure peculiarity and have a capacity for accepting one's general uniqueness. With a monster's deep smile, murmuring "it's not uncommon to be strange" and melting in secret under the blazing sun.
GIRLS (Soundtracks for Digi+Kishin Vol. 1)
'Strangers', subtitled 'Soundtracks for Digi+Kishin', is sourced from the divine headpace of one of Si Begg's favourite musicians and an occasional Senor Coconut (a.k.a Uwe Schmidt) collaborator: None other than Toshiyuki Yasuda, a man on the cusp of greatness in Japan's illustrious electronic music fraternity. While too many superlatives may have been shoved into that one sentence, there's no better way to describe Yasuda and his music.
Starting out proceedings is 'Anber', a track that compresses together Yasuda's cut-up technique, a sprinkling of his side-project Robo*Brazileira, South Asian samples possibly snatched from a Bollywood extravaganza, tribalesque drum patterns, and a sentiment somehow similar to fellow Japanese producer Susumu Hirasawa - in particular his soundtrack for the anime movie Millennium Actress.
And this is just the beginning of an inspired album's worth of material that drifts from the quirky into the sublimely cool, stand-outs being 'Pink House' and 'Desgouster'.
I love this deceptively simple opus, as simple as that.
Andrez Bergen (IF? Records)
世界中の童謡をエレクトロニクスによってに生まれ変わらせたアルバム「Children's Songs 2050」など、個性的なエレクトロニック・ミュージックを数々送り出しているアーティスト、安田寿之。本作は、篠山紀信が Digi+Kishin 名義で制作した写真映像作品に提供した音源を集めたアルバム。彼の音楽は元来、ビジュアル・イメージを想起させるものが多いが、本作ではさらに一歩進んだ世界——ビジュアルを連れて4次元の世界へ散歩に出かけるようなワクワク感を与えてくれる。電子音に温かみを宿らせる彼特有の魔法もまばゆいばかりの輝きを放っており、どの楽曲もとてもチャーミング。一見風変わりな音の組み合わせも、この有機的なムードによって見事に統率されているのが印象的だ。このあたりは、高名でありながら常にアバンギャルドな篠山紀信のイメージとも呼応する。遊び心や実験精神を、いかに作品として成立させていくかというアートの本分において、二者は共鳴しているのではないだろうか。
iTunes Review
* this is TOSHIYUKI YASUDA's 100th title of releases.